Stay & Discover our Coastal Paradise
The coastal communities of the Strait of Georgia all have distinct and unique personalities. However, there are common cultural, historical and environmental links that they all share.
The ‘Coastal Loop’ links the towns on both side of the Strait. A tour of this loop takes visotors anywhere between 3 days to a month in length or more!
Dawdle on your drive up from Vancouver before visiting Powell River. Take time to immerse yourself in the communities of the Lower Sunshine Coast. After some kayaking in Desolation Sound, take the ferry from Powell River to Comox and visit the abundant tastes and adventures that Vancouver Island has to offer.

Find Hidden Gems Off the Beaten Path
Your loop may contain any number of the wonderful destinations outlined on our Take Your Time itinerary. Yet there is so much more to explore!
Coastal towns and secret coves are found round every bend on the Sunshine Coast. Madeira Park and Secret Cove are perfect places to stop for an afternoon or even a couple of days as you make your way slowly north.
On Vancouver Island, many guests head north from Comox. The quaint island towns of Telegraph Cove and Port Hardy are famous for their whales and wildlife sightings.
From Victoria, the return ferry to Vancouver and the completion of the loop is about 95 minutes. The route passes through the territory of southern resident orcas and in sight of three distinct mountain ranges: the Coastal range of BC, rugged Vancouver Island, and the Olympic Range in Washington, USA.
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Powell River Sea Kayak Ltd.
10676 Crowther Road
Powell River, BC V8A 0G4
(604) 483 2160
1 (866) 617 4444 (toll-free)